Describe the contextual factors that led to the rise of the academic study of organization culture and why it seemed to be the logical way forward at that time?

Describe the contextual factors that led to the rise of the academic study of organization culture and why it seemed to be the logical way forward at that time?

Late 60s and 70s - American dominant industrial economy was under threat from Japanese Companies (cars and consumer goods)

Japanese companies

  1. More holistic approach that included attention to people's skills and management styles
  2. Research was lacking human and emotional elements of organizational life
  3. At the same time there was rise of HRT in organization theory
  4. Those involved and influenced by the counter culture (hippie culture) were coming to positions of influence in organizations - taking forward the language of 60s protest movement
  5. Talk about empowerment and harmony was very visible
  6. Culture as a desirable alternative to both market mechanisms and bureaucracy for the control of organizations
  7. Culture as a tool to en

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