List Hofstede's five dimensions of culture and explain any two dimensions in detail including their impact on organizations.

List Hofstede's five dimensions of culture and explain any two dimensions in detail including their impact on organizations.

Organizational culture are subcultures of larger cultural systems

› Individualism v/s Collectivism
› Power distance
› Uncertainty avoidance
› Masculinity/femininity
› Time orientation (long vs short run)

Individualism versus collectivism involves the degree to which individuals in a culture are expected to act independently of others in their society

› Individualistic cultures Individual rights are paramount Relationships between members of individualistic cultures are loose and individuals are expected to take care of themselves
› Collective cultures Cohesive groups give individuals their sense of identity and belonging, demanding considerable loyalty in return.

Long‐term versus short‐term orientation describes cultural differences in predilections for thrift and perseverance as well as respect for tradition

› Long‐term orientation believe that hard work will lead to long‐term rewards
› Short‐term orientation face fewer challenges to change

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