List seven strategies for intervention and regulation adopted by culture management to align employee purpose with organizational purpose.

List seven strategies for intervention and regulation adopted by culture management to align employee purpose with organizational purpose.

1) Selection of staff-appear amendable to organizational values
2) Sacking those existing staff who are not amendable
3) Coupled with the cost cutting/economic benefit promised by CM (cultural management)
4) privatization of public sectors
5) Training, organizational exercises, company slogan, parades etc. that symbolizes organizational culture
6) CM stands against hierarchy-leading to erosion of seperate offices, different floors of building, differential access to parking, company cars....
7) Rituals and stories designed to tell how people feel about the organization

Describe the contextual factors that led to the rise of the academic study of organization culture and why it seemed to be the logical way forward at that time?

Describe the contextual factors that led to the rise of the academic study of organization culture and why it seemed to be the logical way forward at that time?

Late 60s and 70s - American dominant industrial economy was under threat from Japanese Companies (cars and consumer goods)

Japanese companies

  1. More holistic approach that included attention to people's skills and management styles
  2. Research was lacking human and emotional elements of organizational life
  3. At the same time there was rise of HRT in organization theory
  4. Those involved and influenced by the counter culture (hippie culture) were coming to positions of influence in organizations - taking forward the language of 60s protest movement
  5. Talk about empowerment and harmony was very visible
  6. Culture as a desirable alternative to both market mechanisms and bureaucracy for the control of organizations
  7. Culture as a tool to en

From the Modernist, Symbolic, and Postmodernist perspectives, explain whether culture can be managed or not?

From the Modernist, Symbolic, and Postmodernist perspectives, explain whether culture can be managed or not?

Yes through Hoffstra's theories, but no through Thompson??? (modernist) Symbolic-culture is created in and influences interactions (strategy and identity). Postmodernism has a stricter view and says culture is a mechanism of control and power. It managers behavior and identities.


› Yes Through hiring, socialization, training, rewarding appropriate behavior
› No Assumptions, values, and norms are too deeply grounded in routines and actions

› Culture is created in and influences interactions
(strategy and identity)
› Culture is a mechanism of control and p

Summarize the Modernist view of organization culture.

Summarize the Modernist view of organization culture.

Modernist view of organization culture is studying the organizations characteristics and defines them through different levels of analysis. If it can be defined it can be controlled. Culture can/should be managed to increase organizational effectiveness. Culture can be studied at different levels
Culture is something that can be bounded and observed (objective)

We can identify the characteristics of culture, (values, norms, artifacts) that influence behavior
Organizational culture can be studied as a set or profile of characteristics that if effective can be
mimicked by other organizations Culture can/should be managed to increaseorganizational effectiveness

List Hofstede's five dimensions of culture and explain any two dimensions in detail including their impact on organizations.

List Hofstede's five dimensions of culture and explain any two dimensions in detail including their impact on organizations.

Organizational culture are subcultures of larger cultural systems

› Individualism v/s Collectivism
› Power distance
› Uncertainty avoidance
› Masculinity/femininity
› Time orientation (long vs short run)

Individualism versus collectivism involves the degree to which individuals in a culture are expected to act independently of others in their society

› Individualistic cultures Individual rights are paramount Relationships between members of individualistic cultures are loose and individuals are expected to take care of themselves
› Collective cultures Cohesive groups give individuals their sense of identity and belonging, demanding considerable loyalty in return.

Long‐term versus short‐term orientation describes cultural differences in predilections for thrift and perseverance as well as respect for tradition

› Long‐term orientation believe that hard work will lead to long‐term rewards
› Short‐term orientation face fewer challenges to change

Explain/define Organizational Culture. How do subcultures that are described as enhancing, orthogonal, counterculture, and silos differ from Organizational Culture?

Explain/define Organizational Culture. How do subcultures that are described as enhancing, orthogonal, counterculture, and silos differ from Organizational Culture?

Organizational culture is shared knowledge of members meaning is should inform, embed, shape, and account through routine or non-routine activities of the members that express through words and actions of members. Enhancing (subculture supports the cultures values, beliefs, norms, and expectations), orthogonal (independant of dominant subculture but not conflicting), counterculture (subculture challenges values, beliefs, norms, and expectations of the dominant subculture, and silos (strong organizational subcultures whose self containment makes collaboration between them difficult/impossible and lead to unproductive conflict).

Explain technological imperative. How do Woodward, Thompson, and Perrow differ on this imperative?

Explain technological imperative. How do Woodward, Thompson, and Perrow differ on this imperative?

Technological imperative means the technology that you choose for your organization will determine the structure you will use. Woodward: technical complexity(amount of control and coordination required by the technology in order to use it) affects structure, Thompson: Different types of technology effects organization structure and degree of interdependence on the transformation process, Perrow: The type of technology that should be used is based on the complexity or structure of the task or department.